You are hereCarlin Log House
Carlin Log House
This full two story log building has a transom that may be original, full mortar chinking, and nine-over-six widow sashes. The logs of the building were treated for preservation purposes, as demonstrated by the shiny finish that’s visible on them. This is a drive-by site.
Access: 3687 Lanark Road, Coopersburg, PA. From Exit 60 of I-78 at the junction with US Route 309, just south of Allentown, drive 0.6 mile south to Center Valley Parkway. Turn right and continue for 0.2 mile to Lanark Road. Turn right and continue for 0.3 mile to the Carlin Log House on your right at the junction with Abbott St. and Lanark Road. (This building is located in Lanark despite its Coopersburg postal mailing address).