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Frederick Leaser Memorials

Local Frederick Leaser Memorials
      In Revolutionary War times, Frederick Leaser was a Pennsylvania German farmer living along the American frontier at the south base of the Blue Mountain (Kittatinny Ridge) in Lynn Township. There are three local memorials to Frederick Leaser which you may also want to visit.
•      The Leaser Family Cemetery is located nearby (photo below), in the middle of a farm field—but also on private property and not accessible to the public..

•      There is also a Frederick Leaser Monument (photos below), located beside nearby Leaser Lake, access to which is by driving 0.9 mile north on Pleasure Court off Rt. 143, approximately 1.0 mile east of the intersection of Leaser Road and Rt. 143.

•      In mid-September 1777, on his monthly trip to Philadelphia, where he sold farm produce and applejack, Leaser’s large, sturdy wagon and horses were commandeered by the Continental Army to transport what is now known as the Liberty Bell, along with ten additional church bells, from Philadelphia to Allentown, PA. On it's way to Allentown, the wagon convoy stopped overnight at what is now known as Liberty House(photos below) in Quakertown, PA.

      The bells were secretly removed from Philadelphia as the British Army approached, and then occupied, Philadelphia. The new American government did not want the British to capture the bells and melt them down for musket and cannon balls.
      When the Liberty Bell arrived in Allentown, PA, it was hidden for a year under the floor of Zion Reformed Church, 622 Hamilton St. You can now visit the Liberty Bell Shrine, at Zion Reformed Church in Allentown (photos below) which proudly displays a full scale replica of the Liberty Bell—one of 50 cast during the 1976 American Bicentennial.

Selected References

Boorhis, Harold V. B. and Ronald E. Heaton
      1970      Loud and Clear: The Story of Our Liberty Bell. Ronald E. Heaton, Norristown, PA Kimball, David
      1989      Venerable Relic: The Story of the Liberty Bell. Eastern National Park & Monument Association,
                    Philadelphia, PA
Rosewalter, Victor
      1926      The Liberty Bell: Its History and Significance. D. Appleton and Co., New York, NY